3 mins

Should hair salons go plastic-free?

“As a salon business there are things we still can’t do unfortunately”

“I have sailed around the Solent for many years and general waste and plastic bottles has always been a regular sight. However, it’s got noticeably worse with plastic bottles, supermarket bags and plastic nets floating in the water.

I am aware of the trouble we have as a society with pollution and waste and reducing our plastic use in the salon has always been on our agenda. We’ve always sorted our waste into different bins and worked with our landlords on recycling. As a society we need to be more consistent – we all become aware of plastic pollution when it’s splashed across the media, but then forget about it when it’s not making the news.

As business owners and consumers, we are all to blame and there is so much more we can do. We are lucky to work with our local councils in Leeds and Wakefield who encourage and help businesses to recycle and reduce waste, but not everywhere is like that. It’s easy to do the small things, but it’s about changing habits. It isn’t difficult to have different bins in the staff room and dispensary for separate materials. When you’re busy however, good intentions can be forgotten so we have to change our mindset.

Manufacturers are doing more research to find alternative packaging for shampoo bottles and products, but as a salon business there are things we can’t do. We can separate all our rubbish and recycle as much as we can, but the chemicals we wash off the hair ends up in our sewage and as yet there isn’t a water cleaning process for us to use. That, for our industry, is our Achilles heel. However, as technology advances so is the ease with which we can reduce our plastic waste and rubbish and become a truly environmentally-friendly industry.


“One-use PPE has made clients even more aware of their choices”

“The world is changing and it is more important than ever to show we are adaptable and can tackle change head on. Plastic usage has been in the headlines for a few years. It is arguably even more relevant now with one-use PPE being at the forefront of everyone’s minds. We’ve found our clients are a lot more conscious about the choices they are making. We have definitely noticed a change in client beliefs and behaviours in recent times and there’s a real fear that the oceans are going to be full of discarded one-usage plastic masks.

We are receiving many more enquiries about the products and brands we use and an increase in demand for an eco-friendly environment. As a result it’s important to show that we are aware of the impact our industry has and to take action to ensure we are doing our part to look after the environment. This, in turn, shows our guests that we are a responsible salon, which ensures return visits and helps to build our loyal clientele.

Times are changing and we must be able to evolve and adapt our businesses to suit. One example of recent change is the necessary addition of PPE in the salon. We have a strict responsible recycling policy. A high percentage of our waste is recycled and this is consistently monitored in the salon. PPE that has come into contact with a client is disposed of appropriately.

Our guests love the products we use and the refill shampoo and conditioner incentive we offer. Clients receive a discount when they bring their old bottle in to refill. This is a great way of reducing plastic in the salon and at home. We believe people are more aware about the plastic they use and are on the hunt for companies who are being responsible and have the right systems in place.”

This article appears in the December 2020 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India

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This article appears in the December 2020 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India