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1 Clean up your bio

Make sure it states who you are, what you do, and where you are. Your bio should tell potential followers everything they need to know in just a few key words.

2 Engage: Like, comment and share

Be social, that’s what it’s all about. A strong engagement is the key to growth and is a good indication that the content you are producing is resonating with your audience.


Study your audience so you know what kind of content to create

It’s pointless in posting about cake when your audience is made up of hairdressers! Take a look at your best performing posts, note what they have in common and keep it coming – social platforms like consistency, you’re unlikely to be rewarded for constantly reinventing your feed.

4 Use both Instagram AND TikTok

You need to be present on both apps. They each have pros and cons and are very different in terms of audience and tone - but they are there to be utilised, so don’t be afraid to mix it up.

5Keep an eye out for my next social media masterclass, SOCIAL LIFE

A collaboration between myself and Vivienne Johns, teaching you how you can slay being under 10k on both Instagram and TikTok!

This article appears in the August-Sept 2022 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India

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This article appears in the August-Sept 2022 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India