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Professional Beauty x Hairdressers Journal India is proud to present you Cos Sakkas, the winner of British Hairdressing Awards, sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional, and the master creator of the Vertigo Collection.

Cos Sakkas, Global Creative Director, TONI&GUY, talks to us about his awardwinning Vertigo Collection, his creativity, his muse and his incredible five-year journey with the British Hairdressing Awards (BHA) - from winning an award for being a newcomer to bagging the British Hairdresser of the Year Award 2022.

The BHA are the Oscars of the global hairdressing community. The awards are held annually in London, organised by the prestigious Hairdressers Journal Magazine and Professional Beauty Group in association with Schwarzkopf Professional.

Held at Grosvenor House Hotel, a JW Marriott property at London’s Park Lane, the award event was a grand evening to remember. Attended by more than 1,400 members of the hairdressing fraternity, the awards night witnessed seven live shows by the British Hairdressers of the Year nominees and the felicitation of the eight winners. The night concluded with the electrifying moment when Sakkas was announced the ‘British Hairdresser of the Year.’

Sakkas was delighted to share his award-winning Vertigo Collection with us, while giving us insights into his incredible journey as a hairdresser. Here are excerpts from his interview with Priyanka Parshurami.

Congratulations on winning BHA 2022. How does it feel to win the prestigious award?

Amazing. Honoured. Humbled. This was my fifth nomination for British Hairdresser of the Year and to win it with my team and wife around me was something special that I will never forget.

Tell us more about the Vertigo Collection

Vertigo embodies a woman who is courageous, fearless and strong. Reflected in the hair through bold graphic lines and shapes, she stands in her own power. Shot on the rooftop of the TONI&GUY Academy in central London, the natural sunlight illuminates each girl’s individuality, casting a glow from the inside out. Jack Eames, the photographer, has vertigo, so that is the name of the collection.

How has your journey of more than 30 years been – from a hairdressing student to the global creative director at TONI&GUY? Which highs and lows have defined your career?

There have been many moments that have made me the hairdresser I am today. I failed my first hair test and was told hairdressing may not be the best career choice for me. I was all fingers and thumbs, and while mentally I loved the precision, the elevations and the distribution, my hands and mind just wouldn’t co -ordinate. But I was determined and practised and practised and passed my test two days later. It made me realise not everything comes easy and if you want something bad enough, you have to work for it.

Later in my career, I had the chance to assist on photo shoots and watch what happened behind the lens, which taught me a lot about hair for catwalks and collections.

Being nominated for British Hairdresser of the Year for the first time in 2018 was certainly a highlight for me - to be recognised amongst my peers. And obviously to win the title in 2022 has been the biggest accolade of my career so far.

What is your favourite hair trend?

We are seeing a lot of street style hair gracing the catwalks – more and more models are coming to shoots with haircuts such as shags, mullets, buzzcuts and undercuts. There’s a contrast and contradiction between soft balayage and street style haircuts.

Do you have any pet peeves when it comes to hairdressing?

Social media can be a great thing for our industry – you can make new contacts and widen your net work, be inspired by hairdressers from around the world, but it can also have a negative effect on standards of hairdressing, self-esteem and self-wor th. Do not believe everything you see on social media - ahundred likes do not make you a superstar. Make sure you are following the right people who will inspire you, people outside of your ever yday life, so you see things with a new perspective. Follow photographers, fashion designers and artists who will bring a new vision to your work.

What’s new in store for you that is sure to excite the industry?

As an industry, we have been through many frustrations and challenges over the last few years, and we have all had to re - evaluate everything we offer, how we offer it and what we do. As an industry, we have a recruitment issue worldwide and being British Hairdresser of the Year gives me a voice for our industry. I want to talk to younger hairdressers, let them know what an incredible career this can be, the opportunities that are available to them. Yes, it’s hard work, but the rewards will be worth it in the long run.

What message would you like to give to aspiring hairdressers?

Never give up, never say no and always be ready for anything!

This article appears in the Feb-Mar 23 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India

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This article appears in the Feb-Mar 23 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India