12 mins

Active Pursuit of Complete Well-Being

Wellness is an evolving concept in today’s world. The COVID-19 pandemic has ensured that we are looking at holistic well-being with renewed vigour. Kanishka Ramchandani brings together different extensions of wellness in modern times.

Image courtesy: Taj Rishikesh

The set of healthy habits that you follow to lead a physically and mentally fit life comprises wellness. It is an immersive term that includes nutrition, exercise, fitness, mental well-being and spa treatments. Each one of us seeks wellness in one way or other. A lifestyle that revolves around wellness is healthy and fulfilling. And spas are increasingly playing an instrumental role in enhancing awareness about wellness. As consumers look at ways to achieve optimal state of health and wellness, regular visits to a spa figure in the larger scheme of things.

Contrary to popular belief, wellness is not a passive stance. It is actually an active pursuit of good health. In other words, it is a salutogenic and proactive approach. Salutogenesis is the study of the origins of health and focuses on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease (pathogenesis). Today, wellness has evolved to be a multi-faceted modality that has roots in ancient civilisations. It encompasses the following six dimensions:

• Physical

• Mental

• Emotional

• Spiritual

• Social

• Environmental

The concept of wellness rests on the four pillars of preventive measures, self-responsibility, proactiveness and holistic well-being.

We spoke with experts from the spa and wellness industry in India to understand how they are integrating the concept of immersive wellness into their respective businesses.

In conversation with Sushmita Sarangi, Commercial Director - JIVA and niu&nau, Indian Hotels Company Limited.

Rishikesh is known as the capital of yoga and spirituality. Taj Rishikesh is situated right at the heart of it on the banks of the majestic Ganga. Tell us about the wellness programmes at Taj Rishikesh.

The Jiva wellness programmes are carefully designed for wellness seekers in search for harmony, peace and wellbeing. These programmes offer guests a moment in time to enter a sublime space where one can explore, rejuvenate and heal mind, body and soul. Grounded in ancient Indian healing therapies, ayurveda and yoga; combined with immersive and spiritual experiences, local cuisine and mindful moments, the wellness programme at Taj Rishikesh Resort & Spa is the ultimate destination to attaining greater harmony with self.

How are the programmes conducted at Taj Rishikesh different and unique compared to other Taj properties?

Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas and at the banks of the holy river Ganga is the Taj Rishikesh Resort & Spa. Our curated wellness programmes here follow a holistic approach towards achieving the best results in an invigorating and nurturing atmosphere, expertly guided by our extensive team of Jiva wellness ambassadors, ayurveda physician, skilled therapists, yoga acharya, naturalists, spiritual pundits and spa cuisine chefs.

Tell us about the Pebble Beach Nature Walk activity or better known as the Ganga Watching activity. How does it impact the positive wellbeing of an individual?

The sound of water has long been used in meditation to create a soothing atmosphere for our minds. Science suggests that the rhythm of water can affect the rhythm of the neuronal ‘waves’ in our brain, encouraging a more peaceful pace of thought.

‘The feeling of awe’ is one of the psychological effects that many of us are aware of while being by the banks of the great Ganges. There’s just something about the beauty and vastness of a natural scene that has a profound impact on the way we feel. Science has even found that such feelings can lead to prosocial behaviour like altruism, loving kindness, and magnanimity.

Some studies have even found that awe leads to greater life satisfaction. It fosters a sense that time is plentiful. Ganga Watching is centered around this philosophy and helps one with emotional and mental well-being.

Which is the signature wellness activity at Taj Rishikesh?

‘Ganga Aarti’ is one of the signature wellness activities at Taj Rishikesh Resort & Spa. Each evening as the sun’s last rays reflect off the boundless waters of Mother Ganga, we gather for Ganga Aarti. Conducted on the banks of the holy Ganges, this heavenly ceremony is one where diyas are lit and offered to the goddess, celebrating the cosmic consciousness. Signified with prayers, traditional rituals and a palpable sense of the divine, this ceremony is a blissful spiritual experience.

In addition, Jiva’s unique signature experience ‘Shuddhi’ draws from Indian ethos of well-being, where the holy ash – bhasma and Ganges water play a vital role. Inspired by the ancient Vedic rituals, this therapy commences with an application of ‘bhasma’ to purify and enhance skin texture and channelise your energy. Then the skin is nourished with milk and a special herbal infusion, while soothing chants create an aura of peace and sanctity. This is followed by an energising massage with fragrances of nagarmotha and patchouli to uplift your spirits and help achieve harmony at all levels.

How do your spa treatments here complement the wellness programmes?

Wellness includes the elements of enhanced quality of life, and improved physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. The Jiva spa experiences here not only deals with the physical, but also the mental, the emotional, the spiritual and the environmental aspects of well-being. It is this multi-dimensional perspective that makes our wellness programmes truly unique.

How does the location of the property affect the spa and wellness menu and activities at Taj Hotels?

Aspects such as the serenity of the surroundings, air quality, decibel level of sounds, lighting, colours, aromas and olfactory experiences that we incorporate in to the spa add to the beneficial effects of treatments at Jiva spas. As these experiences are intertwined into sensory experiences, they do have an effect on health and well-being as well. Most of our Jiva Spa experiences are influenced by India’s rich cultural heritage, with meaningful rituals that can add to the sensory feel and overall experience.

What is your favourite aspect of Taj Rishikesh?

Taj Rishikesh Resort & Spa, Uttarakhand, is located such that it is blessed by the mighty Ganges and guarded by the formidable Himalayas. Conceived as an elegant nest, it presents the quintessential life by the river. The stunning location and provincial charm make it a natural habitat for serenity and wellness. This nest of utter, gentle calm is where life takes a restful pause to meditate on things far more profound than the worldly. With its eco-friendly habitat the public areas of the resort, its private residences and meadowed terraces are singularly geared to amplify the experience of being one with the Ganges and the Himalayas.

Contemporary and yet endowed with rustic materials and provincial flourishes, the resort is an architectural tribute to the Garhwal region and the outer Himalayas. The interiors interpret the vernacular highlights of the region and are infused liberally with local materials found in the nearby villages. The air is happy and relaxed while thoughtful spaces encourage community interaction. Each of the resort’s experiences and rituals across wellness, dining and discovery draw from the values of the region and the Ganges. Served at all times, with an understated simplicity so infectious that it unclutters and clarifies the senses so beautifully.

In conversation with Rutu Tawde, Spa Consultant and Owner, SpawithRutu.

What is your take on the extended activities that spas are conducting as part of holistic wellness?

I think this is an excellent initiative taken by the spas. It shows that we all have come a long way and are willing to work towards learning to take self- care.

People require to anchor themselves to a secure and stable environment that encourages them to develop healthy habits that nurture their physical and mental well-being.

Are such activities important and which activities can be included in holistic wellness?

The years 2020 and 2021 have introduced us to the unseen, unknown attack of the COVID -19 pandemic. The lockdown measures were intense and necessary to reduce the risks of COVID -19. We all have witnessed how COVID -19 turned ever yone’s life upside down. This, in turn, made people aware of the uncertainty, insecurity and fear that challenged people’s physical and mental well-being.

Now, it is very important that we encourage people on all platforms of work, academia and home to focus on self- care. Some of these activities are: 1] Sukshma Yoga 2] Bala/Children Yoga 3] Pranayam-Breathing 4] Mat Exercises 5] Aqua Therapies 6] Spa Sanctuaries can introduce nature walks, connect with nature workshops, and handcraft workshops.

I have tried all the activities listed and more. All the above activities are in addition to the existing fitness/ gym activities.

Each spa will have to identify its region, location and the type of guests that they have targeted for their spa. But, the first four activities could be practiced by all.

Any of these activities when practiced properly, will bring flexibility and better agility, cleanse your internal breathing work system, provide you with better stamina, reduce pain and injury risk, improves your posture and helps you develop a calm and alert mind.

When spas introduce such workshops, they bring ‘feel good’ vibes to their guests and a sense of belonging and bonding with the brand and community. This ‘feel good’ vibe and goodwill act go a long way.

How can spas market these activities?

Social media platforms, events, radio announcements, provide a committed 30 minutes free of cost activity calendar, brand ambassadors who ‘walk the talk’ and road shows.

As part of your profile, do you encourage spa owners to offer immersive experiences at their spas rather than just massages and treatments?

Absolutely yes! Spa menus should have concern-based treatments and a combination of alternative and physical treatments. For example, people have the opportunity to experience a massage treatment and floatation pool therapy, hammams or sand or ice therapies or breathing and sound and massage therapies.

Is the Indian consumer ready to look at spas as holistic wellness centres?

Yes, they are.

How much importance is given to weight loss and its remedies under holistic wellness?

Under holistic wellness, I have met people focused on their overall well-being and staying healthy.

What advice would you give to existing spas if they want to make holistic wellness as part of their expertise? Each spa has its individuality, and at the point of conceptualisation, the type of spa to be built and its purpose is established. Keeping that purpose and the concept at the core, one can explore various activities that suit the best to their spa and their target audience.

India has such a beautiful, vast holistic knowledge and practice of spirituality and ayurveda that has not been used by the Indian spa industry to its full potential.

Spa industry, especially, in India can introduce treatments and activities based on the concept of the way of living and the science/wisdom of life as mainstream to their guests, which can be instilled into people’s day-to-day life to help them develop balanced physical and mental well-being.

Use the key principles of Dinacharya and Ritucharya for spa concepts.

In conversation with Sunny Singh, CEO, NutriHerbs.

How are nutraceuticals helping people achieve holistic wellness?

Nutraceuticals are gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry as people are becoming more aware of the importance of holistic wellness. Nutraceuticals have been proven to help people achieve a balanced lifestyle by providing essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. With nutraceuticals, individuals can be sure that they are getting all the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy and active. Additionally, nutraceuticals can also provide relief from various ailments such as fatigue and stress. As such, nutraceuticals are becoming increasingly popular as a means of achieving holistic wellness.

What concerns do they address? Nutraceuticals are a class of products that combine the benefits of nutrition and therapeutic treatments. They are designed to address a variety of health concerns, ranging from digestive issues to skincare. Nutraceuticals offer an alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals, as they are often natural and have fewer side effects. This makes them an at tractive option for those looking for a more holistic approach to health and wellness. By addressing specific health concerns through nutraceuticals, individuals can improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

Which are the key ingredients in nutraceuticals that promote holistic wellness?

Nutraceuticals have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to promote holistic wellness. These products are made up of natural ingredients that are known to have beneficial effects on the body, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other plant ex tracts. The key ingredients found in nutraceuticals that can help promote holistic wellness include antioxidants, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, and phytochemicals. Each of these ingredients has its own unique set of health benefits that can help improve overall well-being.

With lifestyle diseases on the rise, especially in cities, are nutraceuticals safe for consumption without doctor’s advice? Are there any contraindications?

Lifestyle diseases are becoming more and more common, especially in cities, as people’s diets and lifestyles have changed over the years. Nutraceuticals are dietary supplements that contain natural ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other plant ex tracts that are aimed at providing health benefits.

Nutraceuticals are dietary supplements that are designed to provide additional health benefits. While they may have some positive effects, it is important to remember that they can also have potential side effects and contraindications. Therefore, it is always best to consult a doctor before consuming any nutraceuticals as they can help determine if these products are safe for you to take and if there are any possible interactions with other medications you may be taking. Additionally, doctors can provide advice on the correct dosage and duration of use for a particular nutraceutical product.

Are nutraceuticals enough to lead a healthy lifestyle? If not, what are the complementary ways for holistic wellness?

Nutraceuticals are a great way to help us reach our nutrition goals. They are natural or synthetic compounds that have been scientifically proven to offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Nutraceuticals can be used to supplement our diets, providing us with essential vitamins and minerals that we may not be getting from our regular meals. They can also help reduce the risk of certain diseases and illnesses, as well as improve overall health and well-being. By taking advantage of the many benefits of nutraceuticals, we can ensure that we reach our nutrition goals in a safe and effective manner.

To achieve complete well-being, it is important to complement nutraceuticals with other lifestyle practices such as regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and adequate sleep. Additionally, reducing stress levels and practicing mindfulness can also help in leading a balanced life. PBHJ

This article appears in the Feb-Mar 23 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India

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This article appears in the Feb-Mar 23 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India