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Skincare REBOOT

Aurelian Lis, ceO, Dermalogica, shares his thoughts with Priyanka Parshurami on the evolution of skincare in India and the success of Dermalogica ProSkin Master 2023.

How has skincare evolved through the years?

People expect the results that they are being promised. At Dermalogica, we don’t make claims on things that aren’t true. Science has evolved. A lot of the big companies, especially in the US, spend huge amounts of money on research and development. People expect results from skin treatments and that is the selling point.

The Indian market is an interesting one. There are healthy ways and beautiful concepts coming. Some of the Indian brands are doing exciting work.

Which new products and treatments can we expect from Dermalogica in the coming months?

I am extremely excited about ProRestore. People go to doctors for aggressive procedures. This product speeds up the recovery and improves results. And it does so in a very clever way. It doesn’t interfere with the treatment, but resolves the inflammation.

Another one is the Stabilizing Repair Cream and the clinicals are spectacular. It soothes irritated skin and essentially teaches the skin to make its own ceramides.

What are the key research parameters for sustainable and green ingredients?

Sustainability is interesting. Dermalogica for me is a brand that does all these beautiful things, but we also have to be top of class with sustainability. There is a multi-pledge that we’ve done. We ensure all plastic is recyclable and use only a small component of virgin plastic.

We spend a lot of time making sure our ingredients are sourced from certified resources. We have 850 ingredients and the team goes through all of them. One of our biggest humectants is butylene glycol, present in about 27 formulas. We shifted to a plant-based source. It lowers environmental impact by 45 per cent. Multi-material pumps are not recyclable. So, we brought the first mono-material pump to the market, which has no spring. It is recyclable. We’ve won many awards against major competitors. It’s just a part of what we do.

What prompted the launch of ProSkin Masters in India?

Many countries lack licensing, which affects the quality of products and treatments. In India, the accreditation system is not that well developed. So, there’s excitement when you find a way to celebrate people’s ability.

Therapists are going to be relevant even after 20 years and it looks like India is particularly going to be interesting. Another reason to launch ProSkin Masters in India is that the local team wanted it. And we trust our local team to use the best of what comes from global expertise. It was launched during COVID, so it had to be done remotely. However, we had a wonderful celebration this year.

What message would you like to give to aspiring participants for ProSkin Masters?

The industry needs people with talent. By being part of something like ProMasters, not only do they get a chance to show their talent, but they also get exposure. They get exposure to the industry leaders and educators who can push them further. So, I think it’s not just the destination, but the path as well. For all the 13 contestants for this year, the journey was as important as the reward. I am sure they will be celebrating with their communities and that is quite important.

This article appears in the Aug-Sept 23 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India

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This article appears in the Aug-Sept 23 Issue of Professional Beauty/ Hairdressers Journal India